The entire situation is considered to be very confusing when a person meets an accident. It is really difficult to think of what to do when you suffer from accidental damage, both physically and vehicular. However, there is a certain legal right that must be exercised in such situations.

Importance Of The Car Accident Attorney

The role of the car accident attorney is given prime importance. The vehicle may be badly dented and the client suffering from bad physical injuries, and there must be liability involved from either party involved in the accident. In any situation, attorneys come in to explain all the possible rights as per legal terms. They have an answer to all the queries that can probably be raised by the client.

The entire calculation begins after it is determined who was involved in the accident. The person making fault is considered to be liable. However, the level of fault determines the amount of compensation that depends upon the law of negligence.

There Are Three Methods Of Calculating Compensation.

This Includes:

Comparative Negligence

In this method, first of all, the percentage of fault is determined by the claiming party. But, if a fault exists even in a minimal amount, then the party is not at all compensated. It is even known as contributory negligence. However, this particular model is not widely used up today. Rather other proportional forms of this comparative negligence are preferred, which allow the parties at fault to claim for at least partial compensation.

Pure Comparative Fault

In this form of compensation calculation, the damage incurred is evaluated and then reduced by the fault percentage of the claiming party. Say, for instance, if the accidental damage from an accident amounts to $1000 and the percentage of fault is 10%, then the client damage will be reduced to 90% of the actual damage. Therefore, in this case, he would only be compensated with the amount of $900.

Proportional Comparative Fault

In this method, a certain set value is predetermined, and where the fault percentage exceeds that value, the clients do not receive any amount of compensation. In most of the states, the set value is kept at 51%. This means if the fault percentage exceeds 51%, one will not receive any amount as compensation.

However, the personal injury attorney ensures to keep the best interest of the client. Therefore, make sure to get involved with the best knowledgeable attorney to settle the matter.

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